Friday, 22 June 2018

Summer Essentials

With Summer finally arriving, everybody is looking for new, go-to products that will have them looking and feeling their best this summer. The following are just a few of my favourite things, essentials, for the summer time.

Hawaii Tropic Oil Spray SPF 4

If you're somebody who loves spending time outside, by the pool or beach, then this product is for you! This product does come with SPF, however it is only SPF 4. So if you are prone to burning, I would recommend using a sunscreen with a higher SPF underneath this product. The oil itself attracts the sun to your skin, so even if you do use a higher SPF underneath this product it is still possible to get a tan. It does take a little bit to notice a darker colour, it is not one of those products, in my opinion, that you see online that helps you get super dark in one day. With that being said, it does still definitely help you develop a darker tan over time. I would give this product a 4.25/5 rating.

Floppy Hat
While this isn't a specific product, a floppy hat is definitely one of my summer essentials! Any hat is important to be wearing in the sun to protect your face and eyes from sun damage, as well as to keep you a little more cool. Hats are also great on bad hair days, which tend to happen more in the summer time whether that's from humidity or chlorine pools and no product. A floppy hat is definitely my favourite type of hat to be wearing during the summer. Not only does it protect you from sun damage, and can cure a bad hair day, but it also looks super cute! For summer time, although its not a specific product, I would definitely give floppy hats a 5/5 rating!

David's Tea Cold Brew Tea
On the David's Tea website there is three different flavours under Cold Brew Teas. These three flavours are: southern peach, orange blush and berry burst. These retail on the website for $19 CAD. Some of their other teas you are able to make as a cold brew, however these three are specifically made for cold brewing. Cold brew teas are the perfect summer time drink for tea drinkers. When the weather is hot, sometimes drinking a hot beverage is not what we are craving. Instead, with a cold brew tea you still get what you're craving, in a cold refreshing form. I would give this product a 4/5 rating.

Sun Bum Lip Balm SPF 30

In the summer months SPF is really important, however what a lot of people forget about is the lips. Using an SPF on your lips in the summer is extremely important. The easiest way to do this, without really having to think about it is by using a lip balm which contains SPF in it. The specific one you use is up to you and there are a lot of different ones out there. However, the one I have been using is the Sun Bum Lip Balm with SPF 30. This product comes in a variety of flavours, the one I use is coconut. I would give this product a 4.5/5 rating.

Friday, 8 June 2018

Revlon Colourstay Foundation Review

Revlon Colourstay Foundation- For Normal/Dry Skin

The Revlon Colourstay Foundation retails for $21.99 CAD (this was the price it was at my local drugstore). Unfortunately I was unable to locate the USD price. You can find this product at pretty much any drugstore that sells cosmetics. This foundation comes in two different formulas; for combination/oily skin and for normal/dry skin. As you might have read in the title, the formula I use is the one designed for normal/dry skin. 

I purchased this foundation last year and loved it, but after it ran out I didn't repurchase it. Recently, after running out of the foundation I was using and after becoming more tan and needing a darker shade of foundation, I decided to pick this one up again. After using it for about a month I am so glad that I picked this up again! The coverage I would say is a medium coverage, but can easily be built up to close to full coverage. Personally I love the coverage, it covers what it needs to and evens out the skin tone, while it also allows my freckles to pop through for a more natural look. The staying power is pretty good, when set with powder it will last pretty much all day. One thing I would say that turns me off of this foundation slightly is, the price. For a drugstore foundation, I find this foundation on the expensive side, when for just a bit more you could get a MAC foundation, or a foundation from Sephora. Personally, most foundations I usually would buy for the drugstore would retail for between $10-$15 CAD. Overall I would rate this product a 4/5 and would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a drugstore foundation who doesn't mind spending a little more. 

Friday, 1 June 2018

Tips For Starting a Healthy Lifestyle

With summer right around the corner, a lot of people are wanting to start eating better and working out, starting an overall healthy lifestyle, before summer and swimsuit season arrives. However, it is important to remember that fitness and a healthy lifestyle cannot happen overnight. It's okay if you slip up sometimes! It's okay to eat that cookie or skip a workout. The following are just a few tips that I feel have helped me along my own healthy lifestyle journey. Some of these you have probably heard of before, but I'm hoping you learn something from this post that might help you to reach your goals this summer.

Tip #1: Drink Lots of Water
I know what you're thinking. "Is she serious? I think we all know drinking water is important by now." But it is honestly such an important tip that makes a world of difference. Drinking a lot of water flushes out the toxins in your body and once you've been drinking more water for a while, you will start to notice your bloating decrease. Another benefit you will notice once you start drinking more water is an increase in energy. This increase in energy can result in more motivation for you to get some exercise which is a key component to a healthy lifestyle. In my own personal experience I have found that after I increased my water intake, and when I consistently consume more water,  I feel more energetic and am more likely to workout, as well as I get full faster so I am less likely to over eat. You will also notice positive differences in different places such as your hair and skin.

Tip #2: Start Small and Start Simple

One reason many of us fail at starting our healthy lifestyles is, we try to make giant changes right away. If you're used to eating out all the time and eating super unhealthy, chances are that if you one day decide you're going to eat salads for 3 meals a day, after a few days you're going to fall back into your old ways of eating unhealthy. Instead, start with small and simple changes. For example, start with cutting down your fast food or eating out to a couple times a week, and each week cut it down to less and less times, until eventually its a rare occurrence or a treat to get fast food. Another small and simple change you can make in regards to eating at restaurants is to opt for a healthier choice instead. So instead of getting a Big Mac, a large fry and a coke, get just the burger and a water. Or, eat at a restaurant with healthier options like getting a pita or having a sit down meal. Another way to start small and start simple is with your exercise routine. If you're used to getting very little physical activity, and try to jump right into an intense workout routine and going to the gym 5 days a week, it is probably going to fail in a couple of weeks. Instead, try starting with going to the gym 2 or 3 days a week. Also, start just trying to get some form of physical activity as often as you can. Some small and simple examples of this could be, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, going on a 30 minute walk at night instead of watching Netflix, walk to where you're going (if it is close enough), go for a bike ride with friends, do some squats and crunches while you watch TV at night, or put on your favourite playlist and dance around your room. By starting small and simple, and increasing as you go along your journey you are more likely to be successful.

Tip #3: Reward Yourself for Small Victories
By rewarding yourself for small victories, it encourages you to continue on your journey and motivates you to accomplish even more. Something I like to do is reward myself with a cheat day. Some people will agree with cheat days, however some people also really disagree with cheat days. Personally, I find that looking forward to a day where I can eat what I want and make more unhealthy choices. So if I am craving a big juicy fast food burger, I will look forward to that all week and use it as my motivation. If a cheat day isn't your style, look to a different type of reward. An example of a possible reward for your hard work could be, treating yourself to a new workout shirt, or a new lipstick after a successful week of eating healthy and getting some exercise almost every day. The choice is up to you, but a small reward might motivate you to keep going with your healthy lifestyle journey when it feels like it's easier to just give up.

Tip #4: Cute Workout Clothes
This tip might seem silly to some, but not only do I personally find this helps, a lot of people I have talked to about the subject also believe that this helps with motivation to hit the gym. So treat yourself to a cute workout outfit that you'll want to put on. This can also really help your confidence, and working out when you're confident will be a way better experience than working out if you were insecure in what you were wearing. Obviously you don't need expensive or cute workout clothes, however if it's going to help up your confidence and make you want to workout more, than go for it!

Tip #5: Remember It Won't Happen Overnight
This tip I can not stress enough. Progress takes time. Don't expect to go from eating fast food every night to eating salad and enjoying it. Don't expect to go from getting no exercise to hitting the gym 6 days a week. And most importantly, don't expect your goal body after a week of living a better lifestyle. It is going to take time. So be proud of the small victories and know that you will reach your goal. Remember your goal and keep pushing!

Disclaimer: All photos used were found on